Thursday – September 9, 2021 @ 10:00am
Primghar Community Building, 215 1st St SE
Take advantage of this opportunity to purchase one, or multiple, productive O’brien County Tracts. These farms offer great CSR2 scores and lay very nicely all within 1/2 mile of each other. View the PDF for more information.
Method of Sale
Tracts will be offered as buyers choice. High bidder will have the choice of one or any combination of tracts 1, 2 & 3. If the successful bidder does not take all tracts, this method will repeat until all tracts are sold.
Tract 1: – 78.5 Acres m/l Section 23 Center Township
Description: Tract 1 offers a gently sloping 69.93 fsa crop acres bordered on the SW corner by a waterway and 5.14 acre homestead.
Crop Acres: 69.93 m/l RE Taxes: $2,312 CSR2: 94.9
FSA Information
Corn Base Acres: 34.5
Corn PLC Yield: 165
Soybean base acres: 34.5
Soybean plc yield: 50
Tract 2: – 40 Acres m/l Section 27 Center Township
Description: Tract 2 is a highly productive all tillable 40 acre parcel with a gentle drainage break.
Crop Acres: 38.4 RE Taxes: $1,084 CSR2: 95
FSA Information
Corn Base Acres: 19.2
Corn PLC Yield: 165
Soybean base acres: 19.2
Soybean plc yield: 50
Tract 3: 30.61 Acres m/l Section 26 Center Township
Description: 30.61 acre parcel featuring 26.62 crop land acres. Bordered on S & E sides by 4 acre grass & waterway.
Crop Acres: 26.62 RE Taxes: $788 CSR2: 92.6
FSA Information
Corn Base Acres: 19.2
Corn PLC Yield: 165
Soybean base acres: 19.2
Soybean plc yield: 50
Auction Starts:

Seth Hellinga