1741 Vine Ave, Ocheyedan
3,720 hog finishing site located in 2 miles east of Ocheyedan, Allison Township, Section 18, Osceola County. This site consist of three buildings. Two Identical 900 head finishing barns measuring 180’x42’ built in 1994, both with shallow pits. These two barns have 2 rooms with 4 pens per room.In addition to the SS cup waters these barns have SS nipple waterers as well. Barn three is a 1920 head finishing barn measuring 390’x42’ built in 1997. This barn has 2 rooms, 10 pens per room, with a 20’x7’ center storage/utility room. All three barns have weighted natural inlets, Airstream TC5 ventilation controllers, AgriAlert 800 EZ emergency system, wet/dry feeders, SS cup waters, and steel ceiling. There are four 1,000 gallon propane tanks, well water with rural water back up, electric by OEC. Buyer to gain full manure rights & responsibilities at closing.

Seth Hellinga